The number one thing that people search for on the internet is something to buy. What this is , exactly, is not important. Different people search for different things based on their needs. Some are after car insurance and some are after roofing services. Up until now, people have used conventional search engines to accomplish this. They have just typed in keywords related to what they wanted to purchase and then browsed through the sites that came up to figure out which one was really the best. They can now put this time-consuming process behind them simply by using a new engine, developed by Kevin O’Connor, called FindTheBest.
Mr. O’Connor is not new to the world of internet business. He created a company a few years ago that he then sold to Google for around three billion dollars. He truly understand how the internet works and what people want to get out of it. This has given him quite a lot of success in a market where, with the intense amount of competition that exists, many others have failed. Starting FindTheBest is not a way for him to make money yet, but it certainly will be in the very near future.
The main thing that people wonder about his new project is how it will set itself apart from the others. After all, there used to be more search engines than there are today. Google is the overwhelming giant in this world now, but Yahoo! is also powerful. Still, there is not a lot of need outside of those two. A new company will need to do something different, something that can give consumers what they really want. This has been Mr. O’Connor’s goal all along since he too realizes that most people who are using search engines are trying to buy something.
The thing that makes FindTheBest different is that it takes all of the work out of the shopping process. Instead of making people go through the results to do the comparison, FindTheBest does that part on its own. The user can input very precise qualifications. In designing the site, everything was ranked according to user reviews and official reviews. When FindTheBest has complied a list of things that fit with the exact needs and desires of the user, it simply ranks them according to how well they have come up in the reviews. The user can know that the best result really will be at the top.
As of now, FindTheBest is not making any money. This is because there are no ads. There are no sponsors. This is not from a lack of interest; rather, it is because Mr. O’Connor does not want there to be ads or sponsors. While the site is small, he wants it to be clean and fresh. The future of the site is uncertain only in how it will make money. The odds are high that the site will either adopt ads and sponsors or that Mr. O’Connor will sell again to Google.
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Mortgage Lenders Are Dropping Like Flies With Their Little Legs Turned Up And Kicking Finance Articles | June 5, 2007
The whole key for Bob, or any other contrarian, is to make lots of offers based on a valued analysis. If you don?t get the deal let someone else take the hit. There is desperation in the market place and it IS a BUYER?S MARKET.
In the wake of negative news after negative news stories filling page after page of print media coupled with negative outlook stories air time on radio and TV the public is found pacing the floor wondering what is going on. Fear can be a crippling emotion to many would be investors who thought nothing of buying a high priced property a year ago with little prospect of even breaking even. Everything was going to be made on the come. The savvy investor who has experienced a cycle or two now recognizes the opportunity knocking at the door. Yes, some areas will get a bigger bounce than others, BUT in the worst of the worst economically depressed areas there are deals which can make sense. There are areas where the affordability index is still good. Commercial and other income producing properties where over extension on part of developers utilized poor projection models and what if scenarios to now bring them to the cliff?s edge of financial ruin.
Per contrarian actions of the past, this class of investor gets as far away from the maddening crowds as possible. The public usually has it wrong on a consistent basis while arriving at the party late and staying too long. Whether stocks, real estate, Dot Coms or other hot and flashy investments the public investor, in far too many cases, lose. In the cases of long term investment would be the exception with regard to real estate IF they can stand to hold it. There are high inventories of foreclosures in many areas of the country with more coming. Commercial and residential properties in trouble are ripe for acquisition. Now, the Deb